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5 Tips for MSPs

Selling Cybersecurity Solutions to End Users

Learn to speak your clients' language.

As an MSP, it's difficult to articulate the what, why, and how of cybersecurity solutions to those with no tech background.

We’ve made it easy.

Here are 5 tips to ensure your clients have full confidence in the security solutions you offer:

  1. Start with discovery
  2. Speak their language
  3. Keep it simple
  4. Use resources
  5. Follow up

Tip #1 Start with Discovery

Know who your clients are and what they value.

Develop discovery questions specific to the client's unique needs based on your existing knowledge. By truly knowing your clients, you can determine what data they need to protect and how to protect it.

It's also important to know their current level of cybersecurity knowledge and experience, and the tools and processes they already use. This will help you identify any existing and potential vulnerabilities to cyber threats and uncover what solutions, processes, and features address their biggest pain points.

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Be prepared for the discovery meeting. You'll collect more valuable information and can anticipate where the conversation will go.

This enables you to better articulate why certain security solutions are necessary for their business.

Fish Magnify

Tip #2 Speak their Language

Ditch the jargon.

Your clients (probably) don't have the technical background you have, so before telling a client what they need... tell them why they need it in words they understand.

Ensure your clients recognize the importance of cybersecurity to their business with these 3 questions:

Note: Use analogies and real-life examples that your clients can relate to.

  1. What is cybersecurity and why is it important?
  2. What value does cybersecurity provide to your specific business?
  3. How much time and money will you lose if you don't invest in cybersecurity?
Jargon Whale
Purple Jellyfish

Tip #3 Keep it Simple

Only suggest what's relevant.

There's plenty of fish in the sea, but your client just needs one.

Save them time by only presenting the most relevant solution and telling them how it aligns to each of their specific requirements.

  • How does it address their pain points?
  • How does it make their lives easier?
  • What makes it better than other options?

You have much more expertise than your clients when it comes to choosing a solution, so you should take the reigns.

Leave them feeling confident in both the solution and your value as a strategic partner.

Orange Fish Long accent

Tip #4 Use Resources

Don't do it alone.

Many cybersecurity vendors provide numerous resources to help you sell their solutions to your clients. Ask your vendors if they have demos for end users or a customizable pitch deck that you can leverage. If you’re lucky, the deck will include both information on the solution and on general
cybersecurity information (Tip #2).

Another valuable resource - referral programs. Ask your clients who are already using the solution to provide reviews on their experience with it. A reference from a company in a similar position can be much more impactful than any other sales tactic.

Example Deck

Tip #5 Follow Up

You've done the hard part. Now what?

Don't forget to establish next steps to ensure a decision gets made, especially while the information is top of mind. Set a reasonable deadline and  give your client easy access to the information you've shared throughout this process so they can refer back or share with other stakeholders.

This saves time for both you and your client, ensuring that 6 months from now you're not still swimming in circles. Plus, the longer your client goes without proper cybersecurity measures in place, the longer they’re at risk of an attack.

Which brings us back to Tip #2:

What will it cost them if they don’t invest in cybersecurity, today?

4 fish multicolor scenic
Lost Fish

Bonus tip:

Partner with a vendor you trust *cough* Phin Security.

Fish Hook

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