Learning Moments: Real-Time Phishing Training
Learning Moments holds the key to a better way to strengthen your clients' cybersecurity. Our real-time phishing programs provide immediate feedback to give employees the information they require to improve their future decision-making when dealing with potential phishing and other risks. We've developed this platform to seamlessly integrate within your client's daily operations and provide insight into how they can safeguard their cyber ecosystem across their entire company.
Walkthrough of Clicked Phishes
Our automated security awareness program guides users through simulated phishing activities to teach them about correct procedures and practices. Phin offers a unique training strategy to give clients an interactive experience to generate meaningful improvement.
Hands-On Learning Experience
Provide your clients with a set-it and forget-it solution to optimize their employee's security awareness. With Phin, you'll deliver informational course materials on an automated schedule, making it effortless to teach them about the dangers of phishing. Its phishing campaigns send registered users a series of routine emails throughout each month. Emails begin on level one and get progressively challenging as users correctly handle each one. The highest-level email is five, in which users can receive phishing emails ranging from level one to level four to keep their skills sharp.
This process seamlessly integrates within existing workflows as users receive routine test emails right to their inboxes. Emails realistically simulate scams and the various dangers presented by phishes. If a user clicks on the email, they'll be asked how they could have handled the situation differently with anywhere from two to five tips. They must click through these steps to ensure completion, forcing them to interact with this content, which can increase the likelihood of future recollection.
What if a user identifies a phishing attempt? Phin features a "Report a Phish" button in Microsoft Outlook. Use our report button in Outlook to easily report phishing emails.

Highlighting Areas for Improvement
Our automated security awareness program sheds light on the darkest corners of your client's company. Phin directly tests users' knowledge to decipher where their strengths and weaknesses exist, giving decision-makers valuable information they can leverage to enact meaningful change. When users click on a simulated phishing attempt, they'll be taken to a pop-up page discussing what they did wrong and how to improve. The feedback employees receive is specific to how they choose to interact with the email, resulting in custom responses designed to fill knowledge gaps and prevent future mistakes.
Phin goes above and beyond traditional training methods with its ability to collect and store crucial data. While it strives to help employees improve, it also allows managers and company leaders to understand how their staff does with their training. Through weekly or monthly progress reports, you can provide your clients with valuable analytics, including how many emails were sent, how many users completed training, which users passed their phishing tests and other insights. This transparency facilitates improved decision-making from the top down to enhance company-wide security.
Engaging and Interactive Training
Phin provides interesting and relevant content material for enrolled users to learn from. Minimize time wasted with ineffective strategies and supply clients with a tested and proven method to convey crucial cybersecurity information.
Harnessing Learning Opportunities
Phin's Learning Moments system takes no shortcuts. Our system replaces the traditional, unengaging video content that leaves employees bored and uninspired with an interactive solution that keeps users learning. Simulated emails pop into enrolled user's inboxes a few times every month, making it almost impossible for them to know when they'll arrive. This approach keeps employees on their toes to look for potential phishing attempts at all times. Gone are the days of glossy ideas and skipped videos, transforming security training into an intriguing experience that captures the user's attention and effectively conveys tons of information.
Encouraging Real Change
Learning Moments is designed to successfully arm your client's employees with high-quality information to enhance their security efforts. Users can learn from their mistakes in real-time, understanding what they did wrong and how they can improve instantly.
Simulated phishing emails connect users to the problem and show how easy it can be to resolve. They aren't told what to do, often resulting in employees ignoring suggestions. Instead, users receive informative feedback customized to their actions and habits. By providing user-specific training, you can help your clients and their employees enact real change by supplying them with the information they need for more informed decision-making activities.

Training Designed for Impact
Provide clients with accurate information to help them create a sound security management plan. Phin utilizes reliable, practical strategies to effectively convey information to clients and employees and develop a safe and protected cyber environment.

Effective Learning Techniques
Phin implements cutting-edge learning strategies and principles through our learning moments strategy to ensure our knowledge is successfully absorbed. Our training and phishing campaigns leverage active learning to ensure users engage and relate to the content being shared. This teaching style replaces outdated methods through meetings or videos that often result in minimal change. These real-time phishing training programs force users to interact with the content in their daily lives, making learning an ongoing process.
We've also created a system to deliver instant feedback, ensuring users always know where they stand with their knowledge and skills in security applications. Our prompt feedback allows them to reflect on what they've learned and understand how to integrate proper security practices within their routines. By regularly putting cybersecurity information into their daily lives, we strive to maximize your clients' content retention and boost the strength of their security operations.

Nurturing a Security-Conscious Culture
The cyber world changes constantly, with hackers developing new and improved ways of accessing your client's most vital information. Phin will help you and your clients evolve with this unpredictability by giving employees the latest information in the industry that they can use when encountering a real phishing attempt. Since most campaigns distribute two emails per month, employees receive regular tips and tricks on identifying and handling phishing emails.
Phin's Learning Moments creates a security-first mindset, forcing enrolled users to always think about how their actions can affect the business they work for. The greater their exposure, the more likely they are to deal with phishing attempts properly — keeping your client's business and information safe and secure.
Hear from our clients.

“It first and foremost delivers excellent training content to our customers to help keep them safe online. Secondarily the automation makes it extremely easy to set up and maintain, saving us on labor costs compared to other solutions.”
Dan Zimmerman
Chief Technology Officer

“The onboarding process is unbelievably easy which is a huge part of why Phin has been such a standout product to us.”
Ali Stockton
Supervisor of Security Services at VNET

"Clearly, they’re focusing on making the lives of MSPs easier. The focus of Phin doing that has really made the difference for us.”
Raffi Jamgotchian
CEO of Triada Networks

“We really just like working with people we respect and who respect us back. Who can be honest, high integrity, friendly, and helpful. And it’s just been really rewarding to see [Phin] grow and to be part of that.”
Reg Harnish
CEO of Orbitalfire Cybersecurity

Make Learning Moments Part of Your Security Awareness
Interested in learning how Phin's automated security awareness program can enhance results in your role? Start a Free Trial!