Realistic & Customizable Phishing Templates
Digital security is crucial for companies to keep their private data and employees safe. While the overall security system is vital for protection, training end-users to recognize potential threats helps prevent issues from happening at the most vulnerable level. Phin Security provides realistic and customizable phishing email templates as part of our phishing security simulations.

Effective Phishing Email Templates
Phin has an expansive library of phishing templates you can use to help your users train against phishing. Our diverse selection contains templates focusing on various industries and phishing tactics. When you employ our automated campaigns, users will start to experience the simulation and become aware of potential threats.
Realism and User Engagement
Our expertise in the digital security industry has helped us create specific templates that address industry-specific vulnerabilities. Phin's realistic templates will test users as they engage with the emails. They may believe the emails are real because the simulation includes real-life phishing scenarios.
For instance, a phishing email could pretend to be another company asking for personal or business information. Users must use their judgment to discern the phishing attempt and take appropriate actions to protect data. With the Phin simulation, nothing happens to the company if a user doesn't pass the test. Instead, the user gets redirected to a page that informs them how they didn't choose the correct response and what they should do to stay safe.
We believe exposing end-users to authentic-looking phishing emails helps improve awareness and response. Instead of allowing users to engage with real phishing emails, working through the simulations provides the foundation users need to identify phishing attempts.
Phishing Email Creator for Customization
When you enroll in our realistic phishing simulation program, you help protect your business from data threats and security breaches. We have a feature that lets users create customized phishing templates. You can use our templates as guidelines or create your own and upload them to the system.
With our template creator, you have flexibility and control over the types of phishing content your users see and experience.

Customizable Elements
If you choose to use our pre-made templates but want to make them more applicable to the industry you're working in, you can easily change different parts of the templates to match your company. The parts of our templates you can customize include:
- Email subject
- Display name
- Sending name
- Sending domain
- Call to action
You can edit and duplicate Phin's templates to create ones catered to your specific organizational needs and scenarios. Creating custom templates can help users watch out for phishing attempts directly targeting their line of work.

Hear From Our Clients

“We really just like working with people we respect and who respect us back. Who can be honest, high integrity, friendly, and helpful. And it’s just been really rewarding to see [Phin] grow and to be part of that.”
Reg Harnish
CEO of Orbitalfire Cybersecurity

"Clearly, they’re focusing on making the lives of MSPs easier. The focus of Phin doing that has really made the difference for us.”
Raffi Jamgotchian
CEO of Triada Networks

“The onboarding process is unbelievably easy which is a huge part of why Phin has been such a standout product to us.”
Ali Stockton
Supervisor of Security Services at VNET
Workflow Integration
When you use Phin's phishing campaigns to prepare your clients, you can easily integrate and rotate the templates in the campaigns. Testing users using various templates helps them acclimate to different phishing tactics used by hackers across the world.
Additionally, combining pre-built and custom templates within the same campaign makes it more diverse and convenient. You don't have to make every single template, but you can if you want to. Our pre-made templates are here to make the training more straightforward to set up.
Streamlined Template Management
Our campaign interface makes organizing and managing templates simple. It has intuitive and user-friendly features, helping you assign campaigns and ensuring each template gets included correctly based on the client. Our interface simplifies selecting, customizing and deploying templates for your campaigns.
You can upload the finished pieces to the dashboard if you're creating or editing templates using our creator. Once the templates are in the dashboard, you can organize and manage them in a way that works best for you and the company. After setting up the templates and including them in campaigns, you can organize them to ensure you see which ones are ready to activate.
When it's time to deploy templates and their campaigns, you can schedule them easily through the interface. Use the system to select which curriculum you want to use. You can then schedule the frequency of phishing tests and which clients they will go to. After the schedule is set, you can monitor it regularly to ensure the phishing tests go out when they're supposed to.

Check out reviews on G2!

"Security Awareness Training/Phish Testing from a company that really 'gets it'"
Dan Z.

"Finally a platform built by MSPs."
Ray Orsini
CEO of MSP Media Network
Create Custom Phishing Campaign Templates With Phin Security
Improve the effectiveness of your phishing campaigns with Phin Security. We help you implement custom security awareness measures by allowing you to use our numerous templates and giving you the flexibility to create and upload your own. SStart a free trial to learn more about our phishing campaign templates and how you can customize them for your industry.