Comprehensive Phishing Coverage: Security Topics

When clients and businesses need a new training system to help their employees increase awareness about phishing, managed service providers (MSPs) & MSSPs can partner with Phin Security to get a training program in place. Phin offers a fully automated and comprehensive security awareness training program for MSPs & MSSPs. Their clients can get the essential information they need to stay aware and not fall victim to phishing schemes.
Phin's security awareness program provides training simulations and resources about various topics in cybersecurity to ensure end-users have complete protection against phishing attacks. The security topics we cover include:
- Social Engineering Training
- Password Security Training
- Remote Work Security Training
- HIPAA Security Awareness Training

Social Engineering Training
Social engineering is a tactic scammers use to manipulate or trick users into disclosing sensitive data or making security mistakes. Scammers may try to influence, deceive or exploit an individual to gain control over a computer system or get money. They use social skills to seem respectable and unassuming.
Phishing attacks often use social engineering methods to appeal to end-users' sense of responsibility or exploit misunderstandings. Phin provides resources and training to prepare employees to recognize when social engineering tactics are happening so they can respond accordingly.

Simulated Social Engineering Scenarios
Phin's program includes simulations of social engineering scenarios to help train employees on identifying and mitigating risks. Employees may receive emails or other communications from our program that emulate realistic social engineering attacks. If they click on the links or attachments in the emails, they are immediately directed to a page showing them what they did wrong and how to protect themselves against future attacks.
Hands-on, practical training helps employees practice questioning the validity of suspicious emails and prepares them to defend against real attacks.
Phin's Social Engineering Modules
We have training modules to educate employees about different social engineering techniques. Through the modules, employees will learn what signs to look for when encountering an attempted attack.

Hear From Our Clients

“We really just like working with people we respect and who respect us back. Who can be honest, high integrity, friendly, and helpful. And it’s just been really rewarding to see [Phin] grow and to be part of that.”
Reg Harnish
CEO of Orbitalfire Cybersecurity

"Clearly, they’re focusing on making the lives of MSPs easier. The focus of Phin doing that has really made the difference for us.”
Raffi Jamgotchian
CEO of Triada Networks

“The onboarding process is unbelievably easy which is a huge part of why Phin has been such a standout product to us.”
Ali Stockton
Supervisor of Security Services at VNET

Password Security
We also provide educational resources on securing passwords and why making strong, unique ones is essential.
Password security is one of the most important things employees must understand, especially when handling sensitive data. Strong, creative passwords help protect against attacks because they give hackers a more challenging task of trying to access accounts. Suppose employees have a weak or compromised password and fall victim to a phishing scheme. In that case, hackers can easily access all the information associated with the account or gain control of the company's network.
Phin's Password Security Measures
End-users should always know the risks of having weak passwords. Phin created password security training modules to help individuals practice making strong passwords and keeping them safe, so no one else knows or finds out about them. Educating users on the importance of password security can enhance their cybersecurity awareness.
Remote Work Security
Whether remote employees work from home or visit cafes, following safety protocols is crucial to protect against phishing attempts. Unsecured connections through public Wi-Fi networks can open the door to hackers trying to gain access to company data. Remote workers must remain vigilant against phishing attacks, so maintaining awareness about the risks of connecting to unsecured connections will help them stay alert.
Remote Work Best Practices
Phin has resources prepared with potential challenges remote workers could face regarding phishing attempts. We know the remote workspace continues to grow, so we've developed content that addresses issues remote workers could face. Our remote work security training modules walk employees through various phishing scenarios they could experience while working remotely.
Remote workers can practice identifying and responding to simulated phishing attempts to get better at staying proactive.

HIPAA Compliance
Special training is necessary to ensure every health care worker complies with comprehensive privacy laws under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Phin's security awareness training has a HIPAA Compliance Course you can include in your client's campaign.
Phin's HIPAA Training Modules
The health care industry isn't exempt from hackers trying to complete phishing attacks. Health care workers are very vulnerable to the schemes, so they must have training and education courses about potential privacy-related phishing threats. Phin's HIPAA training ensures all workforce members interacting with protected health information (PHI) know the procedures and policies that protect data.
Through the modules, users will learn how to safeguard PHI by practicing avoiding phishing scams, distinguishing real from fake emails and working in a HIPAA-compliant way.

Other Security Topics
We also provide services for other issues, like:
- Physical security
- Social media
You can create custom courses for your clients to ensure they receive security and training for their specific needs.

Check out reviews on G2!

"Security Awareness Training/Phish Testing from a company that really 'gets it'"
Dan Z.

"Finally a platform built by MSPs."
Ray Orsini
CEO of MSP Media Network