ConnectWise Manage Integrations

Connect Phin to your ConnectWise Manage account to enable the CW Billing and Service Desk integrations.

Connecting Phin & ConnectWise Manage

📌 Please follow the below instructions closely to ensure proper configuration of the necessary permissions, security roles, and API members required to accurately push data from Phin to your ConnectWise Manage environment

  1. To get started, click on any of the ConnectWise Manage integration tiles on the Integrations page at the partner level.

    Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 12.22.21 PM
  2. There are 4 required fields to get started. These fields will allow you to connect Phin to your ConnectWise Manage account; however, to properly configure each of the integration's features, it is important to review and configure the correct permission set in your ConnectWise account as a pre-requisite for each feature (Billing permissions, Service Desk permissions) prior to connecting.
      • Company ID
      • ConnectWise API URL
      • Public Key
      • Private Key
  3. The 4 required field values can be obtained from your ConnectWise Manage account. The steps needed in ConnectWise are below.

    1. Go to your ConnectWise Manage login page. Two of the required fields are located on this page.
      1. Company ID - Company field
      2. ConnectWise API URL - URL used to log into ConnectWise
      3. Your Company ID and URL can also be found by going to System > My Company and viewing the name in the system URL
    2. Once logged in, create a new Security Role that you will later assign to the new API member (step 3-c) you create to generate the Public Key and Private Key for the last 2 required fields. ⚠️ Skip this step (step 3-b) if you are assigning this API member the role "Admin". 
      1. Go to System > Security Roles and select the + to create a new role
      2. Name the new role "Phin Integration" and save
      3. Set the following Security Module permissions for this role and save
        1. For the Billing feature integration 
          1. Companies > Company Maintenance > Inquire Level (All)
          2. Finance > Agreements > Edit Level (All)
          3. Finance > Agreements > Inquire Level (All)
        2. For the Service Desk feature integration
          1. Companies > Company Maintenance > Inquire Level (All)
          2. Companies > Manage Attachments > Add Level(All), Inquire Level (All)
          3. Service Desk > Service Tickets > Add Level (All), Inquire Level (All)

    3. For the last configuration steps in Phin's ConnectWise Manage API setup, create a new API member to generate the required Public Key and Private Key.
      1. Go to System > Members > API Members and select the + to create a new API Member
      2. Name the Member ID and Member Name
      3. 📌 If you are planning to enable the Service Desk feature, assign the API member a Default board under Service Defaults > Service Board > Default Board.
      4. Add the System-required fields, making sure to select the "Phin Integration" Role ID you created in step 3-b.

      5. Go to the API Keys tab and select the + to create your required API keys
      6. Add a name in the description field and save
      7. Back in Phin, add the Public Key and Private Key that have been generated to the Phin ConnectWise Billing Integration configuration page.
    4. Once you have entered all the required fields back in Phin, select Connect to continue to the "Integrations" tab, where you can turn each feature on or off.
    5. This page is also where you can disconnect Phin from ConnectWise. If you choose to disconnect the integrations, we will save the mapping of company names, but you will no longer have access to push billing data or create service tickets to ConnectWise Manage.

😱 Didn't select all of the correct Security Module permissions in your ConnectWise Manage account? That's okay!

Steps to Remediate

  1. Log back into ConnectWise Manage
  2. Update the security module permissions under the "Phin Integration" role
  3. Save your changes!


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