How to Send a Test Phishing Campaign?

When you're setting up custom campaigns, it's always good to know what a phish may look like and whether it'll deliver.

Step 1: Navigating to Custom Phishing Campaigns

If you aren't already at the home screen of the client portal, start by navigating to the home screen.

Once here, we need to get into the Phishing Dashboard. There are two paths to get to the Phishing Dashboard

  1. Getting to the dashboard via our Training and Phishing Campaigns tab.
    1. Start by clicking on the Training and Phishing Campaigns tab.
    2. Once there, you will see three buttons (training dashboard, continuous campaign creator, and phishing dashboard); click on the Phishing Dashboard button to be brought to the phishing dashboard. 
    3. Getting to the dashboard via the left-hand side menu. 
      1. Start by clicking on Phishing in the left side hand menu.
      2. Once the drop-down menu appears, click on Campaigns.

    Now that you're in the Phishing Dashboard, you will see two buttons at the top of the page. Click on Launch a Phishing Campaign to go into the custom campaign creator tool. 

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    Once within the custom campaign page, you will see two sections...

    1. Campaign Info
    2. Campaign Type

    For the purpose of sending a test phishing campaign within the custom tool, select Fixed Length.

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    Step 2: Sending a Test Phishing Email

    After making it to the campaign configuration tool, the next step is to select a phish or multiple phishes to send as a test. 

    You can send tests for both Email and SMS. To send for SMS, while selecting emails to send, select a phish that has the SMS channel as well. 

    Following making your selection for templates, you'd like to receive as tests, scroll down to Publishing Options and select Run a Preview.

    After selecting Run a Preview, add the email address or phone numbers (if you've selected an SMS phish) of the individuals you'd like to receive the previewed phishes. 

    Finally, click Run Preview at the bottom of the page to deliver the previews to those added above. 

    Your test phishing emails will be in your inbox shortly for your review!

    If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out!