This article summarizes two scenarios below related to an admin who connected integrations being deleted.
Scenario/question #1: An admin of Phin is not an administrator for one of their customer's Microsoft tenants. If they were given temporary access to their customer's Microsoft admin account, added the Microsoft integrations in Phin, and then were removed as an admin in their Microsoft tenant, will the integrations stay/be unaffected?
Answer: The integration will continue to work if the admin is deleted
Scenario/question #2: Similarly, if a co-managed admin connects Phin's microsoft's integrations, and then are removed as co-managed admins in Phin, do the connections stay?
Answer: Yes, the integration will continue to work if they are a co-managed admin as long as they have the "Global Administrator" role.
When the admin connects one of our Microsoft integrations, they are actually consenting for us to connect our own enterprise app into their tenant. Ultimately once this access is granted the app is what allows us to connect to their tenant, regardless of if the admin exists or not.